Creative Director


Do you need a penis to be Creative?

It’s a ridiculous title isn’t it? But isn’t it ridiculous we still need to seriously address this topic? We invited a panel of Creative leaders and educators to give their point of view.


I co-produced and directed a series of films to set each question, and aid the panel discussion to move beyond surface answers and beyond the usual maternity discussion this subject raises.
We encouraged the panel to interrogate each question to really get to the heart of the problem, and more importantly discuss what we all can do from all levels within the creative industry to make a positive change happen.

Questions the session explored:
• Is there a gender gap in the Creative Industry?
• Why aren’t there more women in Creative leadership roles?
• Do you need to be one of the boys, in order to be one of the boys?
• What can we do to accelerate change?
• Tips from the top